Monday, January 23, 2012

Preparing for the week

It's Monday morning and my week looks very busy, except for this morning, when I should be preparing for the week.  And yet, I feel a bit frozen, frozen by the anxiety...Nickolas has 3 doctors appointments this week, Addison has a dentist appointment, we have a Positive Parenting class tonight and then the big one, Nickolas's IEP meeting on Thursday.  The IEP meeting is the one that has me most anxious. I am as prepared as I can be without having a copy of the report.  I spent days studying the IDEA laws, I spent hours on the phone, and I have enough paperwork to support our sons diagnosis and needs.  So now why can't I get my emotions in line.  I keep breathing and hoping for clarity and calmness.  Instead I feel like a ball of stress, there is a knot in my stomach and I am frozen.  I wonder how other parents deal with this moment?
At this moment I am formulating a plan, a plan to defrost.  I will finish this short blog post, I will then read some of my favorite funny websites (laughter is the greatest cure, right?), then I will gather all my paper work on the table finish organizing it in a cohesive manner, start my crock pot (Bean and Tater Tot Casserole, comfort food). And then possibly go to lunch with my dad after his physical therapy appointment. Finally take Nickolas to his appointment, come home for dinner and then off to Positive Parenting class.  If I follow this I should have a very productive day, not lost in my head stressing about a meeting that I have no way of knowing if it will be as bad as my imagination portrays it.

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